People who've helped along the way
Thank You To:
The advance para-medic on motorbike and ambulance crew who decided it was time for me to go to hospital. I wish I had been awake to hear the sirens and see the blue lights.
The Stroke Consultant and team in the resuscitation unit when I was rushed to hospital. And thank you for the scan proving I really do have a brain, even if it is now damaged. Apologies for not being better company.
The Consultant Therapist-Rehabilitation for her care and spending so much time in the resus unit explaining to my wife the ways in which my stroke would change our lives. Sorry I peed on her hand when she turned me over on the trolley.
The nurses and staff on the recovery ward and cooks who liquidised my food.
All the nurses when I was moved to a Rehabilitation Unit. Especially the senior nurse I unexpectedly kicked in the face (gently) when my leg had a spasm all its own. She pretended to be very excited it had moved spontaneously. It then refused to even twitch for weeks.
The physios and occupational therapists for all their patience and care. Especially one trainee physio who spent ages teaching me to tie shoe-laces one-handed because I refused to accept only wearing slip on or Velcro shoes.
The Consultant Stroke Physician I whinged to about my not being able to move when most of the other patients were wandering around, socialising and taking themselves to the loo. My attitude and mood changed dramatically when she told me most patients with a stroke as serious as mine were dead. Suddenly disaster seemed like a stroke of luck.
The therapists and carers when I first came home.
The stroke gym at the District Hospital for the weekly exercises and helpful talks. Thank you to all the physios and volunteer helpers, you were the highlight of my week when I left hospital. I was sorry when the twelve weeks were over.
The physiotherapist who, three years after the stroke, taught me to re-set my shoulders.
Sincere thanks to everybody and most of all Gill who only failed one day to visit (I’ve nearly forgiven her), and my oldest friend Chris, we met in our teens but he’s always been older, who regularly travelled from Herefordshire to see me. I wouldn’t be here without all of you.
Posted by Terry, 19 April 2020